Particle Physics in Birmingham

Mike Kosterlitz; Nobel Laureate 2016

Particle Physics Seminar Programme


Particle Physics in Birmingham

David Thouless; Nobel Laureate 2016

Welcome to the University of Birmingham Particle Physics group seminars page.
Particle Physics Seminars are held on Wednesdays at 1:30pm in the Poynting Small Lecture Theatre (room S06) or ZOOM.
The Poynting Building is at R13 on the campus map. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served at 1:15pm.

The agenda is also available at Talks@bham (but this page is updated first).

Speaker suggestions, offers of talks or enquires are welcome! Please contact Tom Neep.

Autumn Term 2022

Date Speaker Institute Title Information
21st September Chris Hays Oxford University CDF W Mass Measurement [abs]   [pdf]
28th September Iacopo Vivarelli Sussex University Status of Searches for EW-scale Supersymmetry after LHC Run 2 [abs]   [pdf]
12th October Luis Miguel Garcia-Martin Warwick University The TORCH Detector at LHCb [abs]   [pdf]
19th October Giovanni Barontini Birmingham University QSNET [abs]   [pdf]
26th October Kalliopi Petraki Sorbonne University Dark matter going nuclear: light force mediators and bound states [abs]   [pdf]
2nd November Jost Migenda King's College London Hyper-K [abs]   [pdf]
9th November Joe Davighi Zurich University A Unified Approach to the Flavour Puzzle [abs]   [pdf]
16th November Alejo Rossia Manchester University Diboson precision Measurements with the Higgs at LHC and FCC-hh [abs]   [pdf]
23rd November Monica D'Onofrio Liverpool University FASER [abs]   [pdf]
30th November Matthew McCullough CERN The Higgs Boson under a Microscope [abs]   [pdf]
7th December Alex Gilman Oxford University BESIII: Leptonic and Semileptonic Decays of Charmed Hadrons [abs]   [pdf]

Spring Term 2023

Date Speaker Institute Title Information
18th January Mathieu Perrin-Terrin CERN NuTAG [abs]   [pdf]
25th January Matthew Malek Sheffield University Remote Reactor Monitoring via Antineutrinos [abs]   [pdf]
8th February Bill Balunas Cambridge University Di-Higgs Results [abs]   [pdf]
15th February Daniel Lewis Annecy LAPP Measurements of Multi-Boson Production at 13Tev using ATLAS [abs]   [pdf]
1st March Kelsey Oliver-Mallory Imperial College, London WIMPs and beyond: from LUX-ZEPLIN to future liquid xenon observatory [abs]   [pdf]
8th March Samuel Lellouch QTHub Birmingham University Atom Interferometry for Fundamental Physics [abs]   [pdf]

Summer Term 2023

Date Speaker Institute Title Information
19th April Robert Ward Birmingham University Exclusive decays of the Higgs and Z bosons to a meson and a photon at ATLAS [abs]   [pdf]
3rd May Will George Birmingham University Searches for rare and BSM top quark processes with ATLAS [abs]   [pdf]
10th May Andrew Pilkington Manchester University Searching for new sources of CP violation in the EW sector [abs]   
Postponed Paul Newman Birmingham University Electron Ion Collider   
24th May Karol Křížka Birmingham University Building the case for a Muon Collider [abs]   [pdf]
Postponed Abbey Waldron Queen Mary College, University of London ProtoDUNE Measurements for DUNE   
7th June Daria Santone RHUL Darkside-20k: a global direct direct dark matter search experiment [abs]   [pdf]
14th June Giuseppe Salamanna University of Rome Status and Prospects of LEGEND [abs]   [pdf]

Seminars from previous years: