Full Cluster Setup

This document will go through the setup and management of the BHAM grid cluster from scratch.

Setting up the Master Node

A single service node is used to run DHCP, PXE boot, Puppet Master and local logging. This is used to control all other nodes (through puppet) and so should be kept running at all times. To set this up from scratch, follow these instructions:

1) Install the latest version of SL on a bare metal machine however you want.

2) Copy the create-master-node.py script from the previous master node:

scp /backup/master_node/create-master-node.py root@<node>:~/.

3) Login to this new node and run the script:

python create-master-node.py

This will install EPEL, puppet and tftpboot as well as do a full update. It will also create the new tftpboot area for this machine and copy the appropriate firewall and ssh configs across. Finally, it will reboot the machine to ensure everything is restarted.

Setting up a VM Host

To setup a VM Host, do the following:

1) First, ensure that the hostname, IP address and MAC address are recorded in the node_list.txt file and the machine is set to network boot.

2) Setup the kickstart and PXE config files using the clean-install.py script:

python clean-install.py --host epgpe12 --os_version 5.7 --numVMs 4

3) Reboot the machine and wait for the installation to complete


-- MarkSlater - 04 Jan 2012

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