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r7 - 12 Sep 2019 - 16:45  _2fDC_3dch_2fDC_3dcern_2fOU_3dOrganic_20Units_2fOU_3dUsers_2fCN_3dlgonella_2fCN_3d644697_2fCN_3dLaura_20Gonella?

Equipment Operation Instructions Laser setup This section is a summary of my notes on commissioning the TCT system. This includes notes on focusing, issues with laser...
r11 - 11 Apr 2019 - 11:43  _2fC_3dUK_2fO_3deScience_2fOU_3dBirmingham_2fL_3dParticlePhysics_2fCN_3dnigel_20watson?

Resources for Students Some good books Detectors W. R. Leo; Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments: A How to Approach C. Grupen, B....
Birmingham Irradiations Radiation safety Slides from training on 20 October 2017: MC 40 local rules:
r9 - 09 Aug 2018 - 14:36  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61lgonella_47CN_61644697_47CN_61Laura_32Gonella?

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r5 - 09 Aug 2018 - 14:35  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61lgonella_47CN_61644697_47CN_61Laura_32Gonella?

NEW - 09 Aug 2018 - 14:34  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61lgonella_47CN_61644697_47CN_61Laura_32Gonella?

LauraGonella 09 Aug 2018
r2 - 05 Oct 2017 - 13:08  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61lgonella_47CN_61644697_47CN_61Laura_32Gonella?

Technical Documents This page is where we keep our documents online for other people to look at. Particle Physics Silicon Laboratory flyer PowerPoint document created...
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Topic revision: r5 - 09 Aug 2018 - _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61lgonella_47CN_61644697_47CN_61Laura_32Gonella?
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