Technical Documents

This page is where we keep our documents online for other people to look at.

Particle Physics Silicon Laboratory flyer

PowerPoint? document created 22/08/2008. Created with the help of AltaInnovations? for the Medici scheme. This is now an out of date document.


Current capacity of bond wire

Word document created 18/04/2011.A simple one page document.


UV glue trials

PowerPoint? document created 06/01/2014. This was a study to define the Dispense Master dispensing parameters for 3 UV cure glues. Loctite 3545, Dymax 6 621 and Dymax 3013.


UV Glue gap tests

PowerPoint? document created 22/01/2014. This is part two of the study to check the same UV cure glues for their suitability to spread when enclosed in a vertical gap of 76 microns.


UV Glue light guide

PowerPoint? document created 27/04/2015. This is single page document outlining an idea for a UV curing LED light source. Measuring the temperature of the LED lights indicates that they reach a peak temperature of 90oC within a few minutes, keeping these LEDs away from the Hybrid/Module assembly during curing to prevent thermal expansion of the assembly jigs needs to be taken into consideration.

Also see below for the Excel file which is a datalog of the temperature change of the UV LEDs over time.



UV cure die pull testing

PowerPoint? document created 03/06/2015. Using the same UV cure glues once again this is a procedure to glue Pattern Glass ASICs to a mechanical Hybrid and perform wire bonding with the BJ820 then pull test the wires that have been bonded die to die and also die to substrate. This test is also to demonstrate the difference in the pull test results for both types of pull testing. This document is a work in progress but provides enough usable information in its current state.


Pull testing procedure

PowerPoint? document created 06/03/2013.How to define a pull testing procedure and guidance on using the correct pull angle.


30 degree angle tests

Excel document created 15/03/2013.A comparison of how the pull strength changes with the loop shape angle. It also shows the difference between the defined angle on the BJ820 and the real world measured angle. This study may be redone again in the future.


BJ820 Ultrasonic Power Step tests

Excel document created 13/03/2013. How the pull strength changes with USP. This work goes towards optmising the welding parameters on the BJ820.


BJ820 Bond Force Step tests

Excel document created 11/04/2013. How the pull strength changes with BF. This work goes towards optmising the welding parameters on the BJ820.


Hybrid plate heated panel study

PowerPoint? document created 12/11/2013. This is a procedure to enable faster curing of the TRA DUCT silver loaded expoxy by inserting a heated plate underneath the existing Hybrid curing system. This should reduce the Hybrid panel ASIC placement work load from 4 days to 1 day.


Heated panel in a day

PowerPoint? document created 24/02/2015. A presentation with the heated plate to demonstrate on how to use this to glue a panel in a day. This includes a timing procedure for a day's work and how to continue to procedure over multiple days.


Heated panel in a day video

Video created 24/02/2015. A mov filetype video. This is a timelapse video to demonstrate the Panel in a day procedure. Will play with Windows Media Player.

Copper dummy module

PowerPoint? document created 03/06/2015. How to use dummy components including Pattern Glass ASICs, Mechancial Hybrids and glass sheet dummy sensor fitted with adhesive copper tape to produce a completed glued and wire bonded dummy ITK module. This is useful for testing the gluing procedures and gaining hands on experience of Hybrid and Module wire bonding.


-- LauraGonella - 04 Oct 2017

Topic attachments
I Attachment History ActionSorted descending Size Date Who Comment
Xlsxxlsx 30DegreeAngleTests.xlsx r1 manage 24.4 K 04 Oct 2017 - 12:22 UnknownUser  
Xlsxxlsx BJ820BFStepTest.xlsx r1 manage 16.8 K 04 Oct 2017 - 12:25 UnknownUser  
Xlsxxlsx BJ820USPStepTest.xlsx r1 manage 19.5 K 04 Oct 2017 - 12:24 UnknownUser  
Pptxpptx CopperDummyModule.pptx r1 manage 11066.8 K 04 Oct 2017 - 12:25 UnknownUser  
Docdoc CurrentCapacityOfBondWire.doc r1 manage 30.5 K 04 Oct 2017 - 12:17 UnknownUser  
Pptppt GlueGapTests.ppt r1 manage 4331.0 K 04 Oct 2017 - 12:19 UnknownUser  
Pptxpptx HeatedPlatePanelInADay.pptx r1 manage 15427.5 K 04 Oct 2017 - 12:25 UnknownUser  
Pptppt HybridPanelHeatedPlateStudy.ppt r1 manage 6330.5 K 04 Oct 2017 - 12:26 UnknownUser  
Pptxpptx PullTestingProcedure.pptx r1 manage 1132.9 K 04 Oct 2017 - 12:22 UnknownUser  
Pptppt SPpartphysposter.ppt r1 manage 14520.5 K 04 Oct 2017 - 12:15 UnknownUser  
Xlsxls TemperatureRiseOfLEDBarWithTime.xls r1 manage 45.5 K 05 Oct 2017 - 13:06 UnknownUser  
Pptxpptx UVCureDiePullTesting.pptx r1 manage 6130.4 K 04 Oct 2017 - 12:20 UnknownUser  
Pptppt UVGlueTrials.ppt r1 manage 2985.5 K 04 Oct 2017 - 12:18 UnknownUser  
Pptppt UVLightGuide.ppt r1 manage 145.0 K 05 Oct 2017 - 13:06 UnknownUser  
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