50 Recent Changes in ALICE Web retrieved at 07:31 (GMT)

Statistics for ALICE Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
r219 - 18 Sep 2013 - 10:57  _47C_61UK_47O_61eScience_47OU_61Birmingham_47L_61ParticlePhysics_47CN_61luke_32hanratty?

2013 September 18th ldh bham09 180913.pdf: Luke update sept 18 June 10th ldh bham08 100613.pdf: Luke`s Update pt spectra corrections 02062013.pdf: Didier`s update...
r6 - 08 Dec 2011 - 14:47  _47C_61UK_47O_61eScience_47OU_61Birmingham_47L_61ParticlePhysics_47CN_61lee_32barnby?

A page collecting some resources for group members giving talks or presenting posters. Please add your own discoveries either by uploading or linking to the material...
r41 - 08 Aug 2011 - 02:02  _47C_61UK_47O_61eScience_47OU_61Birmingham_47L_61ParticlePhysics_47CN_61lee_32barnby?

Seminars Lee`s talk June 2009 in Birmingham pdf Orlando`s talk May 2009 in Birmingham (and Sussex) pdf Roman`s talk Nov 2008 in Glasgow .ppt and...
r5 - 06 Jun 2011 - 22:19  _47C_61UK_47O_61eScience_47OU_61Birmingham_47L_61ParticlePhysics_47CN_61arvinder_32palaha?

There are a few things which are common across several analysis which we would like to share or discuss. Selection of Types of Diffractive Events When running on...
r11 - 01 Dec 2010 - 01:28  _47C_61UK_47O_61eScience_47OU_61Birmingham_47L_61ParticlePhysics_47CN_61arvinder_32palaha?

Running on the GRID As more real data and MC production becomes available it will only be possible to access it all on the GRID. This page explains how to run an analysis...
r2 - 31 Oct 2010 - 23:07  _47C_61UK_47O_61eScience_47OU_61Birmingham_47L_61ParticlePhysics_47CN_61lee_32barnby?

ALICE software for analysis: Alien, ROOT, GEANT and AliRoot, can be run on our local systems eprexa and nprhilxs2 . Accounts are obtained from L. Lowe or P. Jones...
r3 - 29 Oct 2010 - 12:58  _47C_61UK_47O_61eScience_47OU_61Birmingham_47L_61ParticlePhysics_47CN_61lee_32barnby?

Computing A place for sharing knowledge, within the group, on using the various computing resources available. AliceBlueBear Activities on central BlueBEAR...
r18 - 22 Sep 2010 - 14:04  _47C_61UK_47O_61eScience_47OU_61Birmingham_47L_61ParticlePhysics_47CN_61lee_32barnby?

Welcome to the 1 web Available Information AliceTriggerIntroduction Introduction to the ALICE trigger system for beginners AliceTriggerShifterFAQ...
NEW - 03 May 2010 - 13:43  _47C_61UK_47O_61eScience_47OU_61Birmingham_47L_61ParticlePhysics_47CN_61arvinder_32palaha?

Creating a run macro for SKAF This page will give the necessary ingredients to create a macro that will run an analysis task on the Slovakian Kosice Analysis Facility...
r4 - 20 Oct 2009 - 15:56  _47C_61UK_47O_61eScience_47OU_61Birmingham_47L_61ParticlePhysics_47CN_61lee_32barnby?

Resource for running ALICE MC production and analysis on BlueBEAR Getting Started Register on BlueBEAR via the web interface page which can be reached here. You login...
r2 - 18 Sep 2009 - 08:18  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61juskoa_47CN_61403783_47CN_61Anton_32Jusko?

AntonJusko 28 May 2009 Our knowledge about TRD inputs: agreed name CTPin L0SWITCHin DIMchannel Signature trdpim02 14/0 11...
NEW - 20 Jul 2009 - 12:55  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61juskoa_47CN_61403783_47CN_61Anton_32Jusko?

AntonJusko 20 Jul 2009 aliv00dimdnssin cable namectp sign dimn comments29 V0 2 0VGA 42 0 #BGA BBC28 V0 3 0VGC 44 0 #BGC BBA27 V0 4 0VBC...
r8 - 20 Jul 2009 - 12:52  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61juskoa_47CN_61403783_47CN_61Anton_32Jusko?

T0Inputs MuonTrgInputs DaqInputs TofInputs TrdInputs ZdcInputs V0Inputs SpdInputs
r5 - 10 Jul 2009 - 08:58  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61juskoa_47CN_61403783_47CN_61Anton_32Jusko?

T0 inputs: TIMING CHANGED today morning, 10.7.2009 The phase of 0T0C signal was measured: it is now 0 (before it was 7). I.e. all the other inputs are now shifted...
r2 - 03 Jul 2009 - 16:55  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61juskoa_47CN_61403783_47CN_61Anton_32Jusko?

AntonJusko 03 Jul 2009 ZDC inputs: agreed name L0/L1 L0SWITCHin DIMchannel Signature scan Comment 0ZSS L0 48 1 100 Negative...
NEW - 18 May 2009 - 12:31  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61juskoa_47CN_61403783_47CN_61Anton_32Jusko?

AntonJusko 18 May 2009 TOF trigger inputs,measured 14.5.2009 The pictures from phase measurements are included. signal DIMchannel CTPin signature phase...
r2 - 07 May 2009 - 18:38  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61juskoa_47CN_61403783_47CN_61Anton_32Jusko?

AntonJusko 07 May 2009 DAQ random trigger inputs,measured 7.5.2009 Phase measurement done for all 6 inputs. Manual check of names, with different rate on each input...
r2 - 26 Apr 2009 - 10:00  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61juskoa_47CN_61403783_47CN_61Anton_32Jusko?

AntonJusko 24 Apr 2009 muon trg trigger inputs,measured 23.4.2009 All the inputs were examined with Signature and Toggling signal. Internal TTCmi and external BEAM...
r3 - 18 Dec 2008 - 20:03  _47DC_61ch_47DC_61cern_47OU_61Organic_32Units_47OU_61Users_47CN_61mbombara_47CN_61555683_47CN_61Marek_32Bombara?

MarekBombara 18 Dec 2008 ALICE trigger system for newcomers Basic terminology (timing, inputs, signals,...) The basic time unit for (almost) all electronics in...
ALICE Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the ALICE web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
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