Agenda 07-Feb-2006 Telephone Meeting

  1. Notes from 24-Jan meeting

  2. Updates

  3. Discussion of task list - volunteers

  4. Plans for LCWS
  5. Next steps

Task list

  1. Energy resolution vs. energy, angle
  2. Position resolution vs. energy, angle
  3. Angular resolution vs. energy, angle
  4. Comparision and tuning of simulation to data
  5. Comparision of calibrations in cosmics vs. real data
  6. Efficiency, dead space between pads and wafers
Electronics/DAQ understanding
  1. Coherent noise
  2. Crosstalk
  3. Shaping times
  4. HOLD timing setting
  1. Tracking calibration, alignment, material mapping and track fitting
  2. Pedestals vs. time, noise vs. time
  3. Pedestals vs. ttemperature, noise vs. temperature
  4. Cosmics data, new vs. old gain
  5. Comparison of electronics calibration, cosmics calibration, electron beam calibration
  6. Systematic production of reconstructed data files for all runs
Run planning
  1. Optimisation of missing slab positions; where to place inactive slabs if not received sufficient wafers
  2. Need for electronics calibration; how often?
  3. Need for/from electron beam calibration; scan of each pad?
  4. Recording physical configuration (photos/survey of drift chambers, scintillators)
Run monitoring
  1. Immediate online monitoring
  2. Semi-online bin file monitoring
  3. Semi-online LCIO monitoring
  4. Book keeping during shifts
  5. Recording test beam conditions (from accelerator)
  1. Digitisation of tracking hits, remove low energy sim hits
  2. Storing truth particle positions at tracking chambers and ECAL front face
  3. Digitisation of ECAL; add noise (channel-by-channel), threshold, time-dependence due to preamp shaper, crosstalk, coherent noise
  4. Systematic production of standard MC samples of 100k events
  5. Systematic production of digitised and reconstructed simulation samples from the above