This website has been developed in association with the exhibit Discovering particles: fundamental building blocks of the Universe, staged at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition: Science Live, 5-10 July 2011.
Elements of the exhibit have, or will be, used at other events as follows:
4-11 August 2012, Llandaw, Vale of Glamorgan:
Part of Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology at Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2012 / National Eisteddfod of Wales 2012 (photos, stand panels) -
3-8 July 2012, Royal Society, London:
Part of Cosmic 100 at the Summer Science Exhibition 2012 -
2-4 June 2012, Selldown Car Park, opposite Lighthouse Centre for the Arts, Poole:
Interactive Area of Bang Goes the Theory Live -
5-7 May 2012, Barker's Pool, in front of City Hall, Sheffield:
Interactive Area of Bang Goes the Theory Live (photos) -
15-17 March 2012, National Exhibition Centre
(NEC), Birmingham:
Institute of Physics exhibit Visualising the invisible at The Big Bang Fair (photos, leaflet) -
19 February 2012, Latest
Music Bar, Brighton:
Discovering Particles, as part of Quabinet of Quantum Quriosities at Brighton Science Festival (photos) -
14-16 February 2012, Thinktank,
Meet the Scientist: Particle Physics, as part of Thinktank half-term activities (photos) -
7 December 2011, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham:
Particle Physics Ideas (photos) -
4 December 2011, Claydon High School, Ipswich:
PhysicsFest 2011: Light Fantastic -
29 October 2011, Museum of Science and Industry
(MOSI), Manchester:
Physics Fun at the Manchester Science Festival (photos) -
20-22 September 2011, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge:
Physics At Work (photos) - 5-10 July 2011, Royal Society, London:
Discovering particles at the Summer Science Exhibition 2011 (photos)
The exhibit also provided inspiration for Key Stage 5 resources produced as part of the Royal Society's Invigorate initiative: