Athena and Ganga

We will now use Ganga to create some Athena jobs on the local batch system.

Setting up Ganga for Athena

In order to run Athena jobs within Ganga, you must run a different script that sets up the GangaAtlas? environment. It is also worth regenerating your .gangarc file to add the Atlas related configuration options to it:

/home/slater/runGanga_Atlas -g


Your previous .gangarc will be stored so you can copy any settings from this to the new one. Now, starting Ganga using the runGanga script will give you access to the Atlas specific additions. To check all is well, do the following:



Hello World Revisited

We will start by running the basic Athena Hello World example from the previous session only this time, using Ganga. The job is set up in a similar way as before, but the application should be changed:

j = Job()
j.application = Athena()
j.application.version = '14.2.20'
j.application.jobOptions = ''
j.application.numevents = 10

If you now look at the stdout using the 'peek' method as before, you will see the Athena Output you got before.

Input and Output datasets

To bring the example more closer to reality, we will now indroduce local input and output data to the job. The datasets we will use are the ATLASDataset and the ATLASOutputDataset? . As before, have a quick look at the help to get an idea of these objects.

Athena jobs involving user packages

Now that the you've seen the basic running of Athena through Ganga, we will now move on to the more complicated 'UserAnalysis'

Splitting and Merging Athena Jobs

-- MarkSlater - 10 Dec 2008

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