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Beginners guide to using ILC Software

This guide is intended for those who are installing and using ILC software for the first time and aims to give a brief description of how to install the software, fix any common problems and run a few of the core programs such asevent viewers and processors.

Installation ILC Software from Scratch

There are many versions of the ILC software available which can be downladed from the ILCsoft webpage- in our examples we will be using ilcsoft v01-16 in Scientific Linux 5 though they should still apply for more recent versions. Once you have downladed your copy of ilcsoft the first thing you will need to do will be to check if you can successfully install the software. This is done by moving to the ilcinstall directory within the ilcsoft file you downloaded (e.g in our case: cd /home/caldata3/software/ilcsoft/ilcinstall-v01-16 ) then using the command below. If you would prefer to preview what the installation will attempt to do before actually running it you can instead replace the option -i with -p.

Install code: ./ilcsoft-install -i releases/v01-16/release-scratch.cfg

If the installation doesn't report any errors- congratulations!! You've finished installing ilcsoft and can skip ahead to the next section. In the more likely situation that the software doesn't install correctly on your first attempt and instead you are faced with numerous error messages this will simply be because ilcsoft relies on several other packages to run such as ROOT, GEANT4 and CMAKE. To check which packages are used by ilcsoft you will need to open the release file in a text editor. The release file is found here:


This file contains the version and path names of all the packages ilcsoft will require. It is essential that all version numbers match the version currently installed on your computer and that the path names are correct for the current versions of each package.

Note!! It is worth reading the error messages you received during installation as they will give you a hint as to where the problems arise.

If after correcting the version file you find that the installation is still not working it is possible that some of the versions you are using are not compatible with ilcsoft. In this case you will see error messages letting you know at which part of the installation the problem occurred e.g. it will install all files up until Marlin. If this is the case a last resort can be to go into the following file:

ilcsoft/ilcinstall-v01-16/releases/v01-16/ release-scratch.cfg

and to comment out the sections relating to the problem (e.g. Marlin.) Obviously this is only useful if the particular package you comment out is one that you aren't going to need as this process removes the package from the installation.

Hopefully after all this you the installation should run successfully and you will be able to move on to actually using the software.

You can check that ilcsoft has successfully installed by using the following commands:

source /home/caldata3/software/ilcsoft/v01-16/


You should now see that your enviroment is populated with many packages such as Marlin and Pandora.

Note!! You will need to source the script anytime you wish to use ilcsoft so it may be worth adding it to the setup of your user area or to place it somewhere easily accessible.

Running Basic Programs

Now that you have the ilc software installed it is worth running a couple of simple programs to familiarise yourself with ilcsoft and to check that it is working correctly


Ced2go is a simple program for displaying events. To run the program simply source the script then type "ced2go". This will bring up a basic guide for how to use ced2go. Ced2go requires the following:

LCIO input file: this contains all the data relating to the particles in your collision

Gear file: this contains all the data regarding the detector used and it's geometry

Template file: this comes preinstalled with ilcsoft ->the location should have been displayed next to the option "-t" when you typed ced2go

To actually view an event type:

ced2go -d "gearfile.gear" -t "template file" "LCIOfile.lcio"

This will bring up a 3d viewer that allows you to view the detector and all the tracks/hits within it for multiple events. The viewer has many display tools which are worth exploring such as the ability to remove different sections of the detector from the display.


Available Information


There are new-ish C++ and (the original) C versions of GUINEAPIG. We had more success with the original C version that GUINEAPIG++, but note that the latter has been revised in the last 12 months, and now supports all input options of the original C version, therefore recommend using/trying GUINEAPIG++ .

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I Attachment History Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
Cc modpairs6.C r1 manage 1.4 K 16 Jul 2008 - 10:34 UnknownUser  
Datdat acc.dat r1 manage 8.0 K 16 Jul 2008 - 10:32 UnknownUser  
Docdoc DeepPwell-V4.1.doc r1 manage 1479.0 K 11 Jul 2008 - 09:24 UnknownUser Draft version, NKW addition of email/correspondance addresses for Yoshi and Vladimir
Docdoc DeepPwell-V3.doc r1 manage 2875.0 K 10 Jul 2008 - 17:42 UnknownUser Draft version, NKW edits, for Mike/Renato
Pdfpdf SensorsRT110708.pdf r1 manage 6769.3 K 17 Jul 2008 - 16:11 UnknownUser To upload to arxiv
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