The web site is an excellent source of RPMs for the OpenAFS package: for example, see this or later: However, sometimes the openafs-kmdl-* RPM has been entirely missing on that page and within the ATrpms repository, or not as up to date as the latest kernel. But hopefully this is less likely now that ATrpms has undergone restructuring of the buildsystem to allow for quicker rebuilds. [atrpms-users email from Axel Thimm 24 Sep 2010]. This should make this directory obsolete! My directory here has some locally-built openafs-kmdl-* RPMs, built using the *.src.rpm package on the above web site, for kernels which were new at the time and which were not provided by the repository at the time. To create a newer kmdl RPM than those here, fetch the *.src.rpm from the above web site, and do a rpmbuild -ba $specfile but ensure first that your PC has a required rpm macro from the atrpms-rpm-config package from the following location: