Particle Physics Seminar, 10 December, 2003

Particle Physics Seminar

Date: Wednesday 10th December 2003

Title: The CDF experiment and recent results in B physics

Speaker: Dr Todd Huffman (Oxford)

There are many physics results that are beginning to come out of the Fermilab Tevatron in the area of Beauty and Charm physics. Rather than attempting to cover all of these results, a very difficult task for a single seminar, this talk will focus on those aspects of B physics that I personally find most interesting, and the recent results from CDF that are beginning to set limits which might one day shed some light on how the Standard Model works. Or hopefully, doesn't work. The seminar will give the current status of the Tevatron, which collides protons and antiprotons at the world's highest energy. And it will explain why CDF is uniquely suited to study aspects of new physics and the matter-antimatter asymmetry in unique areas.

Particle Physics Seminars take place in room 103, Physics West, on Wednesdays at 1315, unless listed otherwise. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served at 1300.