Particle Physics in Birmingham

Particle Physics Seminar

Wednesday 13th June 2018 at 13:30
Poynting Small Lecture Theatre

(tea, coffee and biscuits served at 13:15)

Jet Vetoes in Trilepton Searches for Heavy Neutrinos at Current and Future Hadron Colliders

Richard Ruiz (Durham University)


Heavy neutrinos that couple appreciably to Standard Model particles are a common prediction of low-scale neutrino mass models. If kinematically accessible, such hypothetical particles can be produced copiously at the Large Hadron Collider, and its potential successors, and shed light on the mysterious origin of tiny neutrino masses [1]. In this seminar, the results of a newly proposed search methodology for heavy neutrinos at hadron colliders are presented. The analysis proposal focuses on an unusual (but safe [2]) implementation of jet vetoes to separate signal from background. Newfound sensitivity at the High-Luminosity LHC and potential successor hadron colliders are discussed.