
1. Did you find the event stimulating?

Strongly Disagree Disagree Don't Know Agree Strongly Agree

2. Are you likely now to study physics further or to develop further your physics knowledge?

Strongly Disagree Disagree Don't Know Agree Strongly Agree

3. Did your general interest for physics increase after this event?

Strongly Disagree Disagree Don't Know Agree Strongly Agree

4. Are you more likely now to visit other science exhibitions or events in the future?

Strongly Disagree Disagree Don't Know Agree Strongly Agree

5. What are the ages of the people in your group?

Under 14:
Between 14 and 16:
Between 16 and 18:
Between 18 and 25:
Over 25:

Now please give your email address if you want a chance to win a prize from the CERN goody bag!