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Summer-Student Project


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Particle-physics manager is a strategy-based computer game, being developed to introduce school students and others to the aims and methods of high-energy particle physics. The game is designed to allow multiple scenarios, covering different historical periods.

In the LHC Startup Edition, the player takes overall responsibility for a large-scale particle-physics experiment at a new high-energy collider, similar to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), Geneva. Aiming to make optimum use of the available resources, the player manages the experiment's activities from detector design to data analysis, having as top priority the discovery of the Higgs Boson, but keeping an eye open for other exciting physics opportunities.

A first release of Particle-Physics Manager is expected around September 2010, and will be freely available for download from this website. Please contact us if you'd be interested in volunteering as an early play tester.