########################################## # # Example steering file for the Mokka simulation # ########################################## #/Mokka/init/detectorModel ProtoEH_RPC /Mokka/init/detectorModel TBDesy0506 # The detector model to be used as defined in the models database #/Mokka/init/detectorSetup TB30 #drh /Mokka/init/globalModelParameter configuration_angle 0 /Mokka/init/globalModelParameter TranslateX 0 mm #/Mokka/init/dbHost flc23.desy.de /Mokka/init/dbHost calice01.hep.man.ac.uk # The host machine where the MySQL server is running /Mokka/init/user consult # The user name on the MySQL server /Mokka/init/dbPasswd consult # The password for the MySQL user #/Mokka/init/subDetector # Specifies just a sub detector name to be build # Random number seeds /Mokka/init/RandomNumberSeeds 99123457 31801112 /Mokka/init/initialMacroFile /afs/hep.man.ac.uk/u/daveb/Mokka/test/macros/TBDesy0506_1gev0deg_centre # Name of the initial macro file to be executed after startup #/Mokka/init/outDirName ./ascii_out # Name of the output directory - this implies ASCII output !! /Mokka/init/lcioFilename /afs/hep.man.ac.uk/u/daveb/Mokka/test/output/TBDesy0506_1gev0deg_centre.slcio # Name of LCIO output file - this implies LCIO output !! /Mokka/init/lcioWriteMode WRITE_NEW # Write mode of LCIO output file: WRITE_APPEND or WRITE_NEW # if not specified the program will exit if the file already exists (safe mode) /Mokka/init/lcioDetailedShowerMode true # If true, LCIO file will contain detailed MC contribution from secondaries # in calorimeter showers, i.e. energy, PDG and time of the secondary contributing # to the hit #/Mokka/init/CONFIG_ANGLE 30 #/Mokka/init/pythiaFilename pythia.data # Name of PYTHIA input file # FG: Not yet implemented use /generator/generator pythia.HEPEvt for now !!! #nkw /Mokka/init/dumpG3 false # specifies BRAHMS backward facility (generates Geant3 Fortran code). #nkw /Mokka/init/savingTrajectories false # specifies whether to save primary trajectories. [default is true] # only if /Mokka/init/outDirName is set ( ASCII mode) /Mokka/init/savingPrimaries false # specifies whether to save primaries. [default is true] # only if /Mokka/init/outDirName is set ( ASCII mode) /Mokka/init/visumode false # specifies whether to start in visualization mode. # only if /Mokka/init/outDirName is set to an existing output directory ( ASCII mode) /Mokka/init/BFactor 1.0 # specifies a magnetic field factor (0 to 1). /Mokka/init/rangeCut 0.005 mm # specifies the production Geant4 range cut # [default is 0.005 mm ] /Mokka/init/TPCCut 10 MeV # specifies the TPC primary energy cut # [default is 10 MeV ] #/Mokka/init/physicsListName QGSP_BERT # Specify the name of the physics list to be used for simulation # Available are all default physics lists provided with geant4, e.g. LHEP,QGSP,... # [default is 'PhysicsList'] #/Mokka/init/registerPlugin Checkplots # Register the plugin with the given name to be executed at runtime #/Mokka/init/userInitString CheckplotFilename CheckplotsTest.aida #/Mokka/init/userInitDouble myEnergy 1000 keV #/Mokka/init/userInitString myFilename Checkplots.aida #/Mokka/init/userInitInt myInt 1234 #/Mokka/init/userInitInt myInt1 5678.23